Assist with differentiating between child abuse and accidental injuries.
This app will assist Children’s Protective Services, law enforcement and medical personnel when evaluating children who may have been physically abused. This app features:· Realistic animations of how childhood injuries may happen, both accidental and inflicted. Injury types include bruises, burns, head injuries, fractures, and abdominal injuries· Decision trees for use in determining likelihood of abuse, further investigative needs, and further medical testing for each of the injury types· A library to of over 100 animations with accompanying narration that depict the mechanisms of different types of injuries for children· Descriptions of medical findings, the meaning of those findings, and how they can be used in investigative, legal or court processes· History taking tools for both investigators and medical professionalsThis version includes additions for medical providers and legal statutes for Kansas. These updates will allow medical providers, child protection workers, law enforcement workers and attorneys to use the latest information on child injury when making diagnostic, investigative, safety and placement decisions in cases of possible child abuse.